Tag Archives: Tegra’s K1 192

Are Tablets Reviving or Harming Gaming?

Gaming has undergone a sea of change and it comes as no surprise then that this form of entertainment has managed to traverse many different platforms of media. Gaming, which was once restricted to merely elaborately set up video games and handheld gaming devices, can now be enjoyed on several devices. There are dedicated portable gaming consoles and now, even most smartphones come with several games. One avenue that is now being exploited for its potential as a gaming platform is tablets. While till now, tablets were never really given any special importance in terms of gaming, game developers are realizing the potential that tablets have in reviving the art of hardcore gaming.


A good example showcasing how serious game developers are about focusing on tablets would be with the game Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 20th Anniversary Edition, which is available exclusively for iPads. Such games tend to focus on stories, plots and effects, all of which can be appreciated better on a tablet screen rather than a smartphone. Game developers know that people today are too lazy to make the effort of going and switching on their PCs just to play a game and hence, tablets provide the perfect middle ground for people looking for something in between smartphones and PCs. Also, they are often cheaper and come with multi-utility options when compared with portable gaming consoles.


Besides the matter of convenience for players, developing a game for a tablet or a mobile device is also much easier and requires lesser resources and money than developing a game for a PC. To ensure complete compatibility, some games even need to be made from scratch, a feature that many game developers are acknowledging and are hoping will pay off in the long run.


Not just game developers but even different brands are realizing the potential of tablets as powerful gaming devices, as special tablets meant for gaming are being released by companies. Case in point would be the release of the tablet that made it to the handheld news sources for all the right reasons – the Nvidia Shield tablet. This is a tablet that was released with the specific aim of being an excellent gaming companion. This tablet came with a fantastic screen and Tegra’s K1 192 core Kepler GPU which allows to smoothly play games rich in graphics. Nvidia realized the potential that tablets have in recreating an excellent gaming experience which even hardcore gamers can appreciate.


Also, according to handheld news sources, among the various leading gadgets, tablets sales rank only second to smartphones. Tablets are indeed one of the highest selling gadgets in the world and many people today, along with a smartphone and a laptop, own a tablet as well. Thus, for the millions of people that proudly own a tablet, it feels good to know that there are dedicated game developers working to make games which will be enjoyed exclusively on tablets.