Tag Archives: Samsung Gear VR Innovator

Samsung Store Leaks Rumors about New O Series

Samsung always seems to find itself in the headlines of all the tech news around the world and for good reason. This time, the latest mobile phone news are filled with rumors that Samsung is teaming up with Oculus, a big time virtual reality company that has already produced the Samsung Gear VR Innovator Edition along with Samsung, to start a new series of smartphones with the Korean giants. It is reported that the series will be aptly named the “O” series. Because of Oculus’s reputation, speculation is going around that the newest upcoming series could be a line of VR or virtual reality smartphones.


There is talk of two phones namely the SM-G550 and the SM-G600 and easily remembered by Galaxy 05 and Galaxy 06 respectively, which could be centered on virtual reality features alone. Although there is not enough news about these devices to make any further comment, Oculus is hosting an event in late September and could showcase the mystery phones there.


In other news and rumors across the world, people seem to be talking about a revival of the Samsung Galaxy Mega and Galaxy Grand series which seemed to die a natural death with the Galaxy Grand Max being the last release in the series. Some people claim that Samsung is bringing out two new phones in these forgotten series called the Galaxy Grand On and the Galaxy Mega On which was later on discovered that the SM-G550 and the SM-G600 were actually the Mega On and the Grand On. The real news at Samsung will not be known until maybe a day or two before the launch of these un-named phones but whatever be the case, it seems like Samsung pushes out devices like a competitive eater pushes down hot dogs for the win.


With this series of smartphones rumored to be released, Samsung could reach a mind boggling six series of phones. The “O” series will join the Galaxy J, Galaxy, E, Galaxy A, Galaxy Note and the famous Galaxy S series. With such a plethora of smartphones to choose from, is Samsung doing the right thing by introducing something new to the audience? Or will their customers be confused as to which one to buy as they are constantly upgrading? It might even be a tactic by the company to keep customers rolling in and keep sales up. Whatever be the case, we can all agree that Samsung knows exactly what they are doing because if they didn’t, they wouldn’t be leading the race in the smartphone industry.

Samsung-to-Release-‘Galaxy-O’-Series-of-PhonesThis has been the latest mobile phone news that is being brought to you by KnowYourHandheld where you can get your daily dose of everything technological as it happens.