Tag Archives: portable gaming consoles

Can Sony get back into the Handheld Game?

Sony has been having a rough time in its handheld sector. After selling off its Viao branch of laptop business due to lacklustre sales, its flagship Xperia Z series, launched amid much fanfare, failed to quite capture the imagination of the public. Thus, a once-bigwig is now missing from the latest handheld news. In the midst of these failures, comes a silver lining in the form of the latest sales figures of Sony’s famed play station series.


Yes, Sony’s maximum profit is currently coming from sales of its portable gaming consoles. The latest sales figures of the PS4 consoles show sales that have reached 3 million in the last quarter alone. This is more than double of the sales figures of its closest rival, Microsoft’s Xbox consoles, which have sold 1.4 million units. This brings Sony’s grand total of sales to an astounding 25.3 million units sold since the launch of the PS4. Sony also claims that by the year end, it hopes to sell another 16.5 million units, which isn’t unlikely, as the holiday season beckons more shoppers than ever before.


What’s more, Sony has announced that its PS Vita sales in North America have been way more than they had expected, as there was a significant supply crunch seen recently. The Vita particularly saw a jump in sales as it now supports remote play for PS4. Also, the American head of Sony Computer Entertainment stated that more than a hundred new games and titles are expected to hit Vita very soon. These have further helped garner last minute curiosity and sales. Initially, according to the latest handheld news, the combined sales of PS Vita, PlayStation TV and PlayStation Portable had dropped to 3.3 million which had Sony bosses worried, as their gaming sector is basically their bread and butter. However, things have started looking up now, as the encouraging sales figures of the PS4 and PS Vita in North America are helping turn things around.


The overall and portable gaming consoles sector is proving to be a saving grace for the Japanese electronics giant, as it has failed to make a significant mark in the smartphone and phablet sector. The sales of the Xperia Z series don’t come anywhere close to the sales of other flagship brands, such as Samsung’s Galaxy S series and HTC’s One series. What’s more, with relatively smaller players like Huawei and ZTE stepping into the flagship arena with their Honour and Axon series respectively, the competition in this sector is further heating up. However, Sony can’t rely too heavily on the sales of just devices that fall under its Game & Network Services, which include its PS4 and other consoles, such as PS3 and PS Vita. Thus, let’s hope that in an attempt to ensure longevity in all the sections of the handheld business, Sony ups it game and recaptures its lost glory soon, before it’s too late.

Nintendo’s Future Uncertain after Satoru’s Passing

The gaming world is not unfamiliar with the name Nintendo. This is a name that has been synonymous with gaming since decades. Whether it is video games or portable gaming consoles, there is no dearth of gaming products that fall under this brand name. Despite the ups and downs that this company has faced over the past few decades, it was never completely out of the race. This is one brand that has been the phoenix of the gaming world, managing to rise again in the face of adversity after it was written off.


The recent tragedy to strike the company though has out its future into uncertainty. The Supremo of Nintendo, who single handedly helmed Nintendo’s rise these past few years is no more. Satoru Iwata, the President and CEO of Nintendo since more than a decade was not only Nintendo’s business head but was also a brilliant game programmer. It was under Satoru’s leadership that Nintendo released the Nintendo DS and Wii video game consoles. Now, after Satoru’s departure, the stage is left wide open for leadership, as the possible successors for the company are Shigeru Miyamoto, Genyo Takeda, Tatsumi Kimishima and Reggie Fils-Amie. For now, the former two have been asked to run the company, though a final successor has not been finalized even after more than two weeks since the demise of Mr. Satoru.


The upward graph of success of Nintendo is a common story among gamers and portable gaming consoles enthusiasts, as it documents the rise of this Japanese company as a gaming giant, starting with the Game & Watch, to the immensely popular Game Boy. Nintendo was responsible for bringing the immeasurably popular game, Super Mario Bros. to the world with the help of its Nintendo Entertainment System, which was a phenomenal hit in the US. Another breakthrough product from Nintendo was Wii, which came with motion detectors, allowing users to play tennis and shooting games while the characters on screen mimicked their movements.


However, Nintendo doesn’t rely completely on portable gaming consoles and is no stranger to other aspects of gaming and technology. Nintendo isn’t averse to knowing or trying out different businesses under its umbrella, as during the 60’s, it invested in other ventures such as cab services and even dubious ventures such as love hotels. However, now it is definitely stressing only on expanding its reach, as it is working to produce games for non-gaming smart devices. It is also working with Universal Parks and Resorts to make special attractions based on Nintendo games.


The world is waiting with bated breath to know who will succeed Satoru. Until and unless a confident new leadership is not established, the brand will not be able to gain the trust of the public and most of all, gamers. It is time for Nintendo to spruce itself up so that it can once again achieve the fame and unchallenged position that it once enjoyed in the gaming world.

Are Tablets Reviving or Harming Gaming?

Gaming has undergone a sea of change and it comes as no surprise then that this form of entertainment has managed to traverse many different platforms of media. Gaming, which was once restricted to merely elaborately set up video games and handheld gaming devices, can now be enjoyed on several devices. There are dedicated portable gaming consoles and now, even most smartphones come with several games. One avenue that is now being exploited for its potential as a gaming platform is tablets. While till now, tablets were never really given any special importance in terms of gaming, game developers are realizing the potential that tablets have in reviving the art of hardcore gaming.


A good example showcasing how serious game developers are about focusing on tablets would be with the game Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 20th Anniversary Edition, which is available exclusively for iPads. Such games tend to focus on stories, plots and effects, all of which can be appreciated better on a tablet screen rather than a smartphone. Game developers know that people today are too lazy to make the effort of going and switching on their PCs just to play a game and hence, tablets provide the perfect middle ground for people looking for something in between smartphones and PCs. Also, they are often cheaper and come with multi-utility options when compared with portable gaming consoles.


Besides the matter of convenience for players, developing a game for a tablet or a mobile device is also much easier and requires lesser resources and money than developing a game for a PC. To ensure complete compatibility, some games even need to be made from scratch, a feature that many game developers are acknowledging and are hoping will pay off in the long run.


Not just game developers but even different brands are realizing the potential of tablets as powerful gaming devices, as special tablets meant for gaming are being released by companies. Case in point would be the release of the tablet that made it to the handheld news sources for all the right reasons – the Nvidia Shield tablet. This is a tablet that was released with the specific aim of being an excellent gaming companion. This tablet came with a fantastic screen and Tegra’s K1 192 core Kepler GPU which allows to smoothly play games rich in graphics. Nvidia realized the potential that tablets have in recreating an excellent gaming experience which even hardcore gamers can appreciate.


Also, according to handheld news sources, among the various leading gadgets, tablets sales rank only second to smartphones. Tablets are indeed one of the highest selling gadgets in the world and many people today, along with a smartphone and a laptop, own a tablet as well. Thus, for the millions of people that proudly own a tablet, it feels good to know that there are dedicated game developers working to make games which will be enjoyed exclusively on tablets.

Are Games Becoming Too Violent?

Gaming has reached a whole new level today. If you look at the games list on any handheld gaming console, you will find that the array of games available is aplenty. These games have excellent graphics and detailed effects, for better gaming experience. Unfortunately, what many of these games in portable gaming consoles also have in common is violence. Yes, blatantly shooting people (if a civilian gets shot in the way, tough luck), stealing cars and bullying are more or less all part of the plot and necessity to progress in the game level.


Kids today aren’t what they used to be. Most parents today grew up playing Super Mario and Tetris. However, nowadays, kids start gaming at an average age of 11 years. In the U.S. alone, the game development industry is worth around USD 11.7 billion, and most of this funding is directed towards violent games. Thus, parents buying their kids portable gaming consoles are sure to be concerned about the effect that such violent games will have on the kids.


Some of the most popular games today involves killing and robbing, whether it’s Grand Theft Auto or Zombie games. In fact, if you even go through some of the smartphone game reviews, which are still more accessible than games on handheld consoles, people praise the effects of the blood and gore and often rate the game accordingly. These are games that your kid will download on his smartphone and you would never even know he’s playing it.


There are definitely two sides of the coin. Saying that games are violent enough to increase violent tendencies among kids or spur them into doing violent things is obviously a stretch. However, one cannot deny that exposing children to violence, drugs and blood at such a young age is detrimental in some form or another. If you rob and kill people in Grand Theft Auto, obviously that doesn’t mean you’ll end up doing the same thing in real life. However, parents today are concerned with the manner in which game manufacturers are not even batting an eye when developing such games for kids. Even the smartphone game reviews have kids glorifying games that are more violent and gory, compared to games that are less violent.


The concern of parents the world over is understandable. Instead of games which focus on killing humans, at least games which are only concerned with killing and slaying monsters should be encouraged. The gaming industry obviously does not cater to the parents needs and is fuelled by the demands of children playing the game. But the game developers need to remember that even if the consumer of the game is the child, it is the parent who will be buying the game for the kid. Hence, it is best to try and strike and middle balance, by coming up with games in portable gaming consoles that not only entertain kids but also keep parents happy.

Why the Nvidia Shield is the Best Handheld Gaming Console

Technology is moving at a giddying pace, yet there are some things which tend to remain evergreen. The number of devices released is not less, as innovators are out to get the best of the latest technology. Gadgets that befuddle the mind, some of which are quite unnecessary really, are all making an appearance at various events. However, one area that has remained constant is the area of handheld gaming devices.


Amidst the plethora of devices released off late, there is still one device that continues to rule. Yes, among all of the portable gaming consoles, the Nvidia Shield Portable, even after all this time, rules. There’s a reason why Nvidia Shield is dubbed as ‘portable gaming on steroids’ or even the ‘Swiss army knife of gaming’. There are many factors that tend to decide what makes a device click and what doesn’t. But when it comes to the Shield portable, several factors go the way of this handheld console.


For starters, this is a unique device the combines the best of PC and handheld gaming. The fantastic 5 inch screen is clear and bright and manages to show graphics splendidly. The screen is just large enough to view the game and details clearly but is also small enough to ensure that the device is handy and portable enough.


On the hardware front, another factor that goes in favour of the Shield portable is the gaming controller. The controls present in this device rival those seen in Xbox. The sensory thumb sticks and the direction controls, are all not only very responsive but the vibration feedback further enhances the gaming experience.


However, the hardware is not the only thing going for the Shield portable. Although initially, there were complains of the gaming options being very restricted, Nvidia has worked on that improve and increase the options available for gaming enthusiasts. With cloud gaming too being the keyword here, there is sure to be a huge array of options. The titles you purchase can also be enjoyed on your PC, thus, furthering your entertainment value. This is one of the factors where the Shield portable has an upper hand over other portable gaming consoles.



One factor that unfortunately goes against the Shield Portable is probably the price. Let’s face it – serious gamers will rarely settle for a portable gaming device while people who wish to be entertained on the go will probably think twice before investing such a sizeable amount of money in a portable gaming console. Hence, it’s a catch 22 really. However, people that are reasonably interested, will still take the effort to invest in the Shield portable, which is surely one of the wonders of the latest technology. Gadgets may have come a long way, and may have gotten crazier than before but there are some devices that continue to marvel and do well in the market and the Nvidia Shield portable is surely one such device.

The Future of Portable Gaming Consoles

There was a time when you had to simply sit in front of your PC if you wanted to enjoy a good session of gaming. Then came the handheld era, when the GameBoy simply changed the way in which gaming was done. Now people could be seen walking around with a huge device in their hand, playing games on the go. The countless hours that people have spent on what can only be called rudimentary portable gaming consoles, were endless, with Tetris being an all time favourite. However, what comes next for gaming consoles? There’s tons more to follow on that.


Sony and Nintendo have been pioneers in the field of gaming. Although there are several smartphone games and smartphone game reviews to keep yourself busy with, the fact is that video game pioneers will always have an upper hand. When it comes to brands such as Nintendo, it is no different now than it was back then. The various iterations of Nintendo’s handheld gaming devices have changed the way portable consoles have been perceived over the years. The various games have evolved and have definitely become better, in terms of graphics and effects and so much more. Today, a good game will show not just the movement of the protagonist but will even show how his shadow follows him everywhere he goes. Yes, that is the extent to which special effects have been manifested, trying to bring authenticity to the whole gaming experience.


Now, you have devices that offer dedicated controls and an excellent gaming experience on the go. The best example at hand would be the Nvidia Shield portable. This is a portable gaming device that comes with excellent controls and a great screen. You can not only screen the content to your screen but it is so handy and lightweight that it can easily fit into your purse or bag when travelling. If you go through the various smartphone game reviews, this is where they differ. Smartphones may be handy but they never offer the same kind of user experience to dedicated gamers.  


Although the best effects and joy of gaming will always be experienced when opting for an Xbox or a PlayStation, with your large television or PC screen proving to enhance the visual and sound effects, one cannot discount the importance of portable gaming consoles. People today are always on the go and we’ve gotten bored of looking around at our fellow co-passengers. Gone are the times when the best way to kill time would be to talk to your fellow passenger. People now wish to be entertained, irrespective of how that has to happen. Hence, portable consoles still have a long way to go and the future of these devices definitely looks bright.