Tag Archives: latest mobile phone news

Samsung Store Leaks Rumors about New O Series

Samsung always seems to find itself in the headlines of all the tech news around the world and for good reason. This time, the latest mobile phone news are filled with rumors that Samsung is teaming up with Oculus, a big time virtual reality company that has already produced the Samsung Gear VR Innovator Edition along with Samsung, to start a new series of smartphones with the Korean giants. It is reported that the series will be aptly named the “O” series. Because of Oculus’s reputation, speculation is going around that the newest upcoming series could be a line of VR or virtual reality smartphones.


There is talk of two phones namely the SM-G550 and the SM-G600 and easily remembered by Galaxy 05 and Galaxy 06 respectively, which could be centered on virtual reality features alone. Although there is not enough news about these devices to make any further comment, Oculus is hosting an event in late September and could showcase the mystery phones there.


In other news and rumors across the world, people seem to be talking about a revival of the Samsung Galaxy Mega and Galaxy Grand series which seemed to die a natural death with the Galaxy Grand Max being the last release in the series. Some people claim that Samsung is bringing out two new phones in these forgotten series called the Galaxy Grand On and the Galaxy Mega On which was later on discovered that the SM-G550 and the SM-G600 were actually the Mega On and the Grand On. The real news at Samsung will not be known until maybe a day or two before the launch of these un-named phones but whatever be the case, it seems like Samsung pushes out devices like a competitive eater pushes down hot dogs for the win.


With this series of smartphones rumored to be released, Samsung could reach a mind boggling six series of phones. The “O” series will join the Galaxy J, Galaxy, E, Galaxy A, Galaxy Note and the famous Galaxy S series. With such a plethora of smartphones to choose from, is Samsung doing the right thing by introducing something new to the audience? Or will their customers be confused as to which one to buy as they are constantly upgrading? It might even be a tactic by the company to keep customers rolling in and keep sales up. Whatever be the case, we can all agree that Samsung knows exactly what they are doing because if they didn’t, they wouldn’t be leading the race in the smartphone industry.

Samsung-to-Release-‘Galaxy-O’-Series-of-PhonesThis has been the latest mobile phone news that is being brought to you by KnowYourHandheld where you can get your daily dose of everything technological as it happens.

What makes Lava Pixel V1 a good buy?

The Android One project in India was introduced last September by Google to make easy to use and affordable smartphones available to people who are not that tech inclined or updated with the latest mobile phone news. Since then, Android One smartphones have been launched in various other markets experiencing transition towards smartphones. Though the first set of Android One handsets came with a minimalist design, the second generation of it introduced recently in India by home grown brand Lava Mobiles, is appealing enough both in terms of looks and features if you compare mobile phones specifications.


Dubbed as Lava Pixel V1, the device rocks a 5.5 inch display, which is a big thing for a mid-range category phone, keeping in mind the present desire of smartphone users to enjoy large displays to watch videos and play games. Design wise, the phone is a winner as well with its metallic finish on its white plastic chassis. In fact, in terms of looks it is quite reminiscent of the Vivo V1 with the same kind of sleek and smooth matte metal combo. It is a big device but the rounded edges and corners enable for a good grip.

Pixel V1 runs a very bloat free vanilla version of Android’s latest 5.1 Lollipop with an interface similar to the Nexus devices. This means it does not have unnecessary tweaks and redundant customizations or those flashy looking icons added by smartphone manufacturers which tend to make the device pretty tardy in the long run. And with Lollipop on board, the device runs smooth and seamless. So, this is a huge plus point for users who stick to basic usage like calling, messaging, sending mails or maybe a bit of playing YouTube videos.

As a matter of fact, the internal specs of the device would allow you to do only that much lag free. To power up functions, the CPU has four cores with a clock speed of 1.3GHz with a surprising 2GB of RAM. And the memory is good enough at 32GB along with an additional 32GB which can be added with MicroSD storage card, which means plenty of space to install apps and media files, however, the speed of the device may have to be compromised there in.


The 13 megapixel camera with F2.0 Aperture ensures decent shots though it takes time to adjust the focus. And the 8 Megapixel front camera is a satisfying leap over the 2 Megapixel snapper offered by the first generation Android One smartphone.


To sum up, Lava Pixel V1, priced at Rs. 11,349 (around $177) is definitely a smart looking Android One device which has taken a commendable leap from its earlier generation with rather unimpressive specs. Not to forget the other contenders in the same price range namely Lenovo K3 Note, Yu Yureka and the more recent Moto G 3rd Gen, all of which can give tough competition to the Pixel V1. And also there are other phones in the market at a much lower price. However, Lava Pixel V1 scors points on the vanilla software, even more with Google’s promise to update with latest builds till two years from the date of purchase.

Should Microsoft Just Give up Already?

Smartphones have come a long way and overtime, more than the number of handsets, it is the extent of innovation that has dominated this market. The sea of change that smartphones has seen in the past mere half a decade is ridiculously astounding. The latest mobile phone news today is dominated by extensive stories of innovation and fairytales where unknown brands and names have managed to garner attention and sales. Hence, as long as you have innovation on your side, you will surely be able to get enough sales. Unfortunately, it isn’t a fairytale for everyone involved, as even a veteran in the mobile phone market, such as Nokia and Microsoft have been having a rough time simply staying afloat in the smartphone market.


The recent turn of events for Microsoft has not been pleasant and the company has had to take some drastic measures to undo the damage done with Microsoft’s much talked about buyout of Nokia. Of course, Microsoft will never admit that this was an outright disaster and that it should never have entered into territory it was never familiar with to begin with. What’s more, rather than pairing up with a strong player, it opted to take the support of Nokia, a brand that was one that had already seen its golden days well behind it. So, the only thing that could have saved a union of a dying and a novice brand coming together would have been drastic innovation.


This union should have led to handsets that would storm the latest mobile phone news forums and steal focus from other Android and iOS devices. Unfortunately, that was not going to happen as neither brand really contributed significantly to any kind of revolutionary changes. Instead, the Lumia series continued along the same line and the tiled pattern didn’t impress users.


There’s no denying that Microsoft did try at least some tricks before giving up. It released many Lumia phones, consequently getting rid of the Nokia tag altogether in the process. When the Lumia Denim update was announced, along with many Lumia handset releases, while it did make it to handheld news, where it didn’t make it was into shops and the eventual hands of users. Thus, Microsoft has perhaps begun to face the harsh reality that it really has no chance of making it big in the smartphone sector if things go on like this.



Of course, the smartphone sector is a fickle one and you should be willing to enter it only if you are willing to modernize, transform and move at the insane pace that the market moves at. Satya Nadella can always argue that the smartphone market was very different at the time of their Nokia buyout than what it is today, a claim that any channel of handheld news will affirm. However, despite all the excuses that Microsoft can possibly dish out, the truth remains that it may be the end of the road for Nokia and Microsoft altogether in the mobile phone sector.

What to Look for in Smartphone News Sites

Following news is the best way to stay updated regarding events around you. However, when it comes to general news, you are swamped with options such as world news, regional news, sports news, etc. The same goes for tech news. The options available for sources of general news are endless; you can opt for TV, websites, apps, etc. The same goes for smartphone news.


There are so many sources of gaining information regarding technology and smartphones, that people are spoil t for choice. However, one of the best sources of news and updates when it comes to technology and smartphones is websites. Sites are comprehensive and they provide you with updates as and when you need them. So, how does one identify the best smartphone news site which can provide users with the latest mobile phone news? Well, to begin with, this is a very dubious crown and directly allotting it to one site is hard, as there are several sites, with each one having its own USP.


However, there are some pointers on how to follow technology news and smartphone reviews news. You need to make sure that the news site is authentic and regularly updated. There are several selling and commercial sites that are parading as news sites, which basically plug products in your face, either directly or indirectly without you realising it. You need to stay away from such sites. These sites will not only constantly keep plugging phones they want to sell but they will also often use cookies, which will mean you won’t be able to get rid of them that easily. So, such commercial sites disguised as the latest mobile phone news sites are a complete no-no.


Another point to keep in mind is that you can always subscribe to apps of well known smartphone news sites. These apps will not only let you get content easily but will also give you updates on a timely basis, so that you can get information you need without actively seeking it out.

Besides ensuring that the entire site is legitimate, you also need to see other aspects of the site, besides the news. A comprehensive technology or smartphone site will always list everything related to smartphones, including specifications and reviews. Yes, smartphone reviews news is also an important component of any website. This means, detailed specifications and comparisons of specifications is a must for really understanding where a smartphone manages to get it right and where it doesn’t.


So, this was all about finding the best smartphone news site. Times have changed and the competition is immense, not just for smartphones but even for information providers and technical websites. So, in the end you need to ensure that you’re getting the information that you actually need on a timely basis and in a precise manner, so that you’re always well informed and up to date on all the happenings of the tech world.