Tag Archives: high tech gadgets

Weirdest Baby Gadgets of 2015

You know kids have become a priority when there are tons of gadgets swarming the market, targeted exclusively at them. Yes, there were several gadgets that made it to the latest gadget news this year, which were aimed at kids and their tech obsessed parents. Here, we take a look at a few such gadgets aimed at your little one.


SleepIQ Kids Bed


So, you have several apps today that tend to track your sleep patterns. However, this is may be more difficult (albeit more necessary) to do for your child. How do you know if your child has slept peacefully the night before or not? Or that your kid isn’t cranky the next morning because of disturbed sleep the previous night? Well, one of the high tech gadgets that is sure to put parents at ease is the SleepIQ kids bed. This device not only tracks the sleep pattern of your child but also lets you know when the child is about to wake up. This apparatus syncs with your iOS device and lets you know all the details of your child’s sleep.



Clearly, new parents are spurring an entire section of developers, because how else would you explain the crazy number of gadgets aimed at kids and parents? Yes, there is a lot for parents to gain from the latest technology. Gadgets such as the Pacif-i, from Blue Maestro further strengthen our argument that gadgets aimed at parents are here to stay. The Pacif-i works by not only acting as a pacifier for your child but it also transmits data such as the baby’s temperature to your phone via Bluetooth. This pacifier works with both Android and iOS devices. So now, you don’t have to go scrambling to get your baby’s temperature with a thermometer, as the Pacif-i will do its job.

Smart Diapers


You know you’re a crazy obsessed parent when you even check the colour of your baby’s urine every single time it pees. Well, an innovation that was doing the rounds on the latest gadget news is the Smart Diapers. These are diapers, which are the brainchild of Indiegogo, and which detect infections from your baby’s urine. These diapers can track urinary tract infections, prolonged dehydration and developing kidney problems. Sounds like a lot of diagnoses based on just the urine. Either way, you might have to wait a while, as this project’s crowd funding ended in 2013, just shy of the target set.



If you thought you’ll have to constantly share your iPad with your little one, think again. There is a new device that has made it to the new regarding the latest technology. Gadgets have definitely taken a turn for the crazy when there is something known as iPotty coming out. Yes, you read it right, a potty that comes with an attached tablet for your little one to keep himself busy with while he’s doing his business. Now you know who to blame when your kid grows up and takes ages in the loo in the morning, needing the morning paper for doing his business.

So, these were some of the high tech gadgets that are exclusively aimed at new tech-savvy parents. So, if you have tons of green and wish to be the first one to cater to your child’s every need, then check out these gadgets made just for you.

Should I Buy a Tablet or a Laptop?

Technology has progressed at a rate where right from kids to elders; everyone is carrying the latest electronic gadgets in their hands. People are no more in awe when they see someone on the train using high tech gadgets. However, three basic daily use gadgets even today remain the same; smartphones, tablets and laptops. Yes, these three are irreplaceable and cannot be compromised on. However, an increasing number of people are shifting their priorities and are now choosing to own one of the latter two, that is, either a tablet or a laptop. Some people find owning both these devices redundant. So, are these two really interchangeable? If yes, which one should you buy? Let’s find out.


To begin with, people who actually use both devices swear that they aren’t strictly interchangeable. For starters, when it comes to a laptop, there is hardly any other device that can really replace it, let alone a tablet. Typing isn’t half as easy on a tablet, and anyone who does a lot of typing (either for work purpose or personal reasons) will definitely vouch for a physical keyboard over a tiny virtual one any day. Screen size notwithstanding, the keyboard is the main factor that dissuades people from opting for a tablet over a laptop.


However, there is always the choice of buying a detachable keyboard which you can then attach to your tablet when you need to type. This would however mean an additional cost and an accessory that you’ll have to carry separately. Plus, not all keyboards are compatible with all tablets. iPads for instance come with a specific (and quite expensive) keyboard, which only works with an iPad and no other tablet. There are more options when it comes to Android tablets and keyboards though.


On the other hand, tablets are far more handy and lightweight and easy to carry around. A tablet can easily fit into your purse and you needn’t waste a few minutes switching it on every time you need to check something. People on the move prefer to use a tablet for their everyday uses. Plus, when it comes to light typing and shooting off quick mails, the tablet is just as effective as a laptop. Thus, in the end, it all depends on your requirement really. With habituated use, people have gotten used to typing using tablets, just as easily as they would while using laptops.


There is good news though for confused people, as several companies are trying to come up with high tech gadgets that aim to blur the line between tablets and laptops. So, among the latest electronic gadgets to choose from, today there are several devices which come with detachable keyboards, allowing it to double up as a tablet or a laptop, thus ending your dilemma once and for all.