Tag Archives: Android M

Android M: The Next Generation of Lollipop

In June, 2014 Google, the Mountain View based inventor and search giant launched Android Lollipop, the most talked Operating System till date, during Google I/O in Moscone Centre, San Francisco. In 2012 I/O meet, Google launched Android Jelly Bean and this year, in their what’s New in Android segment the company is going to launch their newest and upcoming Android M.


The word M may refer to Marshmallow, Milky Bar or, Muffin. The name is not yet announced and expectedly, the day won’t be tomorrow as in previous year, Google initially used the name Android L and later on named it Lollipop. So, here we may have to wait a bit to get final confirmation on the name of the latest Android. But, apart from the name, a slight preview can be forwarded on what Android M is going to bring in this smart tech world.

  • Android for work: In the month of February, Google has launched a perfect program – Android for all kind of work purposes and named it Android for Work. To make it work on reality Google associated with several big brands for partnering in various aspects to fulfill the project. Google is still working to roll out android apps for business and expectedly with this update, we will be able to see some progress in the Android for Work project.
  • Chop Chop gesture Voice Command: Expectedly with the latest update new changes will be found in Voice command. Just think, what is next of ‘OK Google’.
  • More Gesture: The Chop Chop gesture which has arrived with Android 5.1 and has become popular very soon, can be followed by many more apart from on screen finger movement. On hand device movement make things easier, no doubt, as chopping open flash light in Moto X.
  • More Apps: Sometimes I think the mobile world is running for apps and lough by myself. But, in a serious note, sources claim that, this tech hunter is going update android with special ability to access more apps without downloading them. That means, more free space and smooth surfing.
  • More Battery Life: Smartphone dependency is growing in daily life. Google, which has experimented to make android-batterylife simple will expectedly improve battery back in the most popular and largely used operating system.
  • Security: If the assumption of all work development goes right, then Google have to strengthen smartphone security for better and safe on mobile work. It has already launched touch sensor to unlock the mobile and expectedly will apply similar features to open individual app or icons to protect mobile data.

Apart from the mentioned functional improvements, few small changes can be added. But, expecting a huge difference through this update may not act out in reality. These assumptions have been made on the basis of Android’s few latest changes. It is quite clear that, the new changes are merely a glimpse of entire story. Assumingly the rest is going to arrive with Android M.

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