Spreading the Love Further with the Google OnHub Wi-Fi Router

Technology has come a really long way from when it first made its way into our lives and rather quickly it has taken over everything we do on a daily basis. We are so dependable on technology that most of us wouldn’t last a day without some sort of device in our hands. And when it comes to these devices, we need a great connection to the internet for it to work effectively. Long gone are the days of wires and untidy cables around the room so we have turned to wireless internet of simply put, Wi-Fi. But not all Wi-Fi routers work on the same level and can sometimes leave us pulling our hair out with the lack in connectivity. We find ourselves twisting and turning in different angles to get a proper signal around the office or home and then to we find it hard to get a stable connection.


So, get rid of the old slow and old fashioned routers with those hypnotizing blinking lights and alien looking antenna and work your way to the future of hassle free wireless internet. Welcome the Google OnHub into your home or office and you will be astonished at the level of excellence this little router brings to you and your devices. Introduced by Google, the OnHub is something we have all been waiting for and is clearly the best wireless router available in the market. The brilliance behind this router is its design. The circular cup shaped design means that the signal is spread over a larger area than the normal router antenna. It uses your current internet connection and makes it even stronger by using a smart software that was in built into the device. Another great feature is that the OnHub uses the internet connection in your home or office and directs it the devices that are used most often.

Google OnHubOne of the features that has got the attention of the public is that the OnHub is extremely simple to use. It is as easy as plugging in and connecting. There is an app called Google On which is available for both Android and iOS devices that helps users to connect directly to the Wi-Fi router and setup your connection in a matter of minutes. Even when there is a disturbance in the signal, the router will inform the user of the situation and how to solve it via the app for an easy fix. You can check the strength of the signal, which devices are using the most internet, test the net speed and share your password with friends easily all through the Google On app. The OnHub keeps updating its software automatically and without a break in you connection for a smooth and stable connection every day.

The OnHub comes in two sober colors (Black and Blue) so you can flaunt it in your room neatly. The annoying blinking lights are replaced with a subtle indicator that shows green when the signal is uninterrupted and orange when there is something wrong.

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